Mahdi Ebrahimi

Mahdi Ebrahimi

I am a student of Veterinary Medicine. i like organic food too much.

I am proud to be a small part of organic world.


  1. Great Mahdi, good to see this website, very useful information.. in case i find some thing interesting reagrding Organci Agriculture i’ll forward it to u.

    As a student of veterinary medicine, you can help me in writing this case study on Production systems with focus on Dairy Farming… you must be aware that i have 35 veterinarians as couleagues and i understand basic veterinary science as well.. i’ll send u a draft once a write something about this assignment and then u can comment…..



  2. Hey thank you for Posting that link!
    I am doing my research In Organic farming and yes lot of scope is there for Organic farming in Indian market sector!

  3. I just did a small blog on bees and noticed the wonderful article you posted on bees, Could I run the article as a follow-up and direct them to your site?

    It was a great article and so important. And your website is great! I will be back to keep checking it out. Denise

  4. Nice blog, looking good,

  5. hi guys, i am doing a research project on the organic food market in ireland, just thought some one maybe able to give me some advice, or put me in contact with the right people.
    Look forward too a response.

  6. Hello Mahdi, You run an excellent blog, congratulations.
    I see from the other posts that you have a lot of other students interested in your website. Maybe what I write below may help you all?
    I will mention your blog in the News on my website.

    I have put together an Organic Website which is free for anyone to search.
    On the Organic Industry pages it lists ONLY people who hold Organic Certificates from a recognized body like, Soil Association, Organic Farmers and growers. We list all the people from the IFOAM certification pages.
    Organic Industry.
    3,000 UK Organic Farmers,
    1,000 UK Organic Processor,
    Importers and Exporters.
    Please register to keep up with news.

    Organic Consumer.
    400 Organic Brands,
    5,000 Organic Products,
    25,000 Retail outlets.

    We are members of IFOAM the world organic standards body and list most people on their website.
    IFOAM website.

  7. i was searching for organic farms in lebanon when i found this website.

    GREAT job your doing mahdi keep going.

  8. Hallo,
    Please somebody send me the email address or website details of mahdi, so that I can contact.
    Thanks, selvakumar.

  9. Dear Mehdi,
    I am a manufacturer of desert farming organic accessories.
    Let me introduce two of our products to you.

    1. Coir pith briquettes :- These are used for afforestation purposes in non-agro friendly terrains. Coir pith (Found inside the covering of coconuts) is the only ingredient used for the manufacture of these bricks.
    After the separation of pith from coconut chaff, it is cleaned and sterilized before compressing into bricks of various sizes.
    For using this(a brick weighing 650 gms) has to be immersed in 10 liters of water. After about 40 minutes the brick will expand into 10 liters in volume. The expanded pith can be used as top soil for planting and germination. A layer of about 2 to 3 inches is all that is necessary for successful planting of seeds and nurslings.
    Bricks used for commercial purposes come in a maximum size of 5 kgs each. Unpacked bricks are strapped in a cluster of 3 are loaded into 20’ containers.
    The main buyers of these are Germany,UAE, Israel etc.

    2.Geo textile :- Also known as bhoovasthra, this too is a great accessory for desert farming. Woven coir(A thin rope made of coconut fiber) netting or mesh mattings are quick and effective for control of soil erosion , landslide , slope stabilization and other civil engineering applications. Also used for the construction of green houses with high cooling effects reknown for high moisture retention capacity.

    Both the products are totally bio-degradable and eco friendly. Has a very high water absorption and retention capacity. Has a wide range of applications. Cost effective.

    I shall only be too glad to give more details if required.

    S Shivaprasad

  10. Hello,

    I am a student conducting a tutorial on global organics. You seem very knowledgeable on the topic. Could you offer some recommendations for the best way that an international marketer of organic foods can meet international certification standards?

    Thank you!

  11. Hi Mahdi,

    You are runing an excellent blog.


    Akash Gupta

  12. Hello Akash,
    thank you so much for your comment

    Best wishes

  13. Japan recently introduced an information site. Foreigners who are relatively unknown in Japan to introduce the information. Surprise is full of information.
    We hope once the link please.

  14. Organic food is the way to go nowadays. Thanks for your informative blog.

  15. Great blog! I can forward you a research report from The Rodale Institute about how organic farming helps stop global warming, if you would like you can e-mail me!

    You can check out for more info about organic farming and gardening!

  16. Hi it was very interesting ,plz suggest me some other organic pest control than i ll be thank full to u

  17. i like to get more info about organic food
    produce in Taiwan
    or can buy in taiwan from oversea

  18. “too much!” 😉

  19. Hi! Mahdi, thanks for this very much needed blog . I am here on this blog accidently but I am glad To meet a lot of lovely friends of the same goal.
    Dear friends, I need your help.
    whre can I find an Organic Coconut Coir Pith, which do not have any contamination of soil , salt or bacteria and safe, sterilized for human oral use for east asian ethnic medicinal use. I have seen many sites but all product is for agricultural use only and not safe for oral consumption for human. Appreciating your kind help in anticipation,

  20. Esto es triste pues mire que no hay ni un nombre latino que este interesado sobre lo organico

  21. Great website!
    We need to ‘Link’ up…. please view,

    Good to meet you and view your site!

  22. TTA of Mahdi Ebrahimi

    Dear Sir,

    I am planning to volunteer in Bali for a organic agriculture / waste recycling and valorization groups . Do you know any contact there you could advise?

    Thanks for your help,


  23. WOW! I just saw your weblog! This is very interesting … I always go with organic food and this is nice to know people who think like you around!

    Best of luck!

  24. good on you mate.
    ehsan Australia

  25. Dear Mahdi Ebrahimi;

    Thank You very much for You amazing work.
    I investigate Si fertilizers and Si and nutrients more 25 years. Really this is unique element, but practically forgotten.
    The main function of Si is creation and reinforce of immune system of living organisms, include plants and animals.
    I have lot materials about this. Is it possible to poste this material on your site?

    My e-mail



  26. salam agha mehdi,
    emailetono chand rooze pish emaileton kheili dar vaghe chize ziadi az organic food nemidonam vali har chand vaght ye bar miyam to weblogo chizaye jadid yad migiram dar zemn kheili etelaate jalebi toye web loget has.
    albate khosh hal misham ke age momkene baham bishtar ashna beshim
    ehsan Australia

  27. good website we can exchange information related to organig agriculture if do you like
    with best regards

  28. Hi Mahdi
    I read your articles about agriculture and also , I visited your weblogs, its great job.
    Iam a student of agricultural machinary ,if you are intrersted in you can visit my blog .
    I also added a comment in your other weblog you have written a post about firefox,I sill recomend you oper9.60 you can download it from
    and my weblogs

  29. Dear Mahdi ,

    in the context of an academic project we – a team of six students of Organic Agriculture at the University of Kassel (Germany)- organize an excursion to Croatia next year.
    Our aim is to present the country and the culture of Croatia to a
    tour group of around thirty other students, tutors and professors from our faculty (all studying, working or researching in the field of national, European and international organic agriculture).
    The tour will take place in the middle of June 2009 and shall last about eight to nine days.
    The main focus of this study trip is set on the agricultural structures, especially the development of organic agriculture, ecology and conservation in Croatia.
    On the tour we want to visit different stations associated to this, such as (organic) farms, agrarian faculties, research facilities or organizations that work on this field etc.
    Thus, we would like to collect informations on Croatian agriculture and the sector of organic farming in the country, and furthermore find various local contacts.
    It would be a great help to us if you could maybe sent us some of those informations or contact details in Croatia, so that we can plan our trip comprehensively and learn much about the country and its (agrarian) structures by meeting those people and organizations in the country you think are of particluar importance.

    Thank you very much in advance,

    Yours faithfully,

    Cordelia Kreft
    pp: Exkursions-Team “Kroatien” des Fachbereichs 11 (Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften) der Universität Kassel

    mail: Mühlstraße 6, 37213 Witzenhausen, Germany
    phone: +49 (0)5542 5000922

  30. please send to me your e-mail address !

  31. Hello Mahdi,
    I need your opinion regarding the promotion of BIOSANARE Organic products in Arab Emirates market, and the other Golf countries
    I thank you in Advance
    hafedh Akrout

  32. I would love it if you could blog about Lebanon and organic food, and other environmental issues, on my blog Green Prophet, for payment.

    Please be in touch if you are interested.
    – Karin

  33. السلام عليكم I have discussed his work on organic farming and requested comprehensive information on the subject if possible, I am pleased, I kept in very grateful

  34. Feedback on Organic Food

    I visited your blog, Organic Food located at recently. I must say, I’m quite impressed by the blog’s content. In particular, I really liked

    Good job!

    I’d like to know if you’d be interested in having me as a guest writer for your blog. I am a features writer working with I’d like to write a free 300 to 400 word blog entry for you. I have a few years experience and would really enjoy writing one or two guest blog entries for your blog.

    If you’d like to take me up on my offer, please send me a topic and a quick outline of what you’d like the article to say. Please give me as much detail as possible so I can make the blog entry meet your specifications as much as possible.

    In exchange for this free blog entry, I would like to request a linkback to MiracleFruitPlus in the body of the blog entry somewhere using the title tag “miracle fruit.”

    I look forward to your response

    Best Regards,

    Mike Burlingame

  35. Dear Mr Mahdi,
    I read with keen interest about Organic farming. I am interested to work in organic farming in France or any European country, if you can provide me the relevant source, I shall appreciate it very much.
    Thanks and best regards,
    Sher Yar

  36. hi i visited your site and i’m very much pleased about the content.
    My suggestion is to mention the type of fertilizer is the best for particular organic food and how to prepara the fertilizer.

    I look forward for your replay

  37. Dear Mahdi,

    I am doing research for a Canadian documentary and am very interested in getting in touch with the Kenyan farmers organic co-op you mentioned in your column on June 5, 2008. You called them the Subuko Organic Farmers Association. Do you have any contact information for them? I would appreciate any information you could give me.
    Thanks in advance

  38. dear dr ebrahimi, i am msc student of agricultural management and my thesis is about economic and environmental benefites of organic foods in iran and factors that affect this production system. we can become counterpart in scientific categories. also my study background is in economic size and economy of scale in dairy production.

  39. Hi Mahdi,

    I’m writing on behalf of the RSPCA, raising awareness of an urgent campaign that I think may be of interest to you and your readers. The campaign is trying to protect the welfare of UK meat chickens, so I hope it is OK to have made contact via a comment.

    Right now, the UK government is considering new EU legislation that may increase the number of chickens allowed in rearing sheds. Even at current minimum standards, each bird is given less space than a sheet of A4. It’s hard to walk or even flap their wings. But this legislation would allow yet more birds to be squashed in, cutting that space by almost a quarter.

    We desperately need your readers to join us in urging Jim Fitzpatrick, Minister for Animal Welfare, to make the right choice for UK chickens and quash the squash, by sending an email via our campaign website at

    We have also created a short film called Irritating Chicken to highlight the plight of broiler (meat) chickens. The video can be found at

    Thanks for your time and any support you can offer,

    Stefan, on behalf of RSPCA

  40. Hi, i was very wonderful to see the photos and articles you have done. I saw a pic on flicker on soya farm in Thailand. My friends and i are interested to visit the place. Do you have any contact of the place? Thanks for replying to my email. Cheers.

    • Hello friend,

      i will send you all detail in your email.

  41. Hello Mahdi,

    I came across your blog when researching the organic food sector of Indonesia (post regarding farmers market, jakarta). I noticed that you have a wide variety of issues covered here, many of which I have worked with directly over the couse of my career. I have worked in the Canadian natural/organic food industry for 20 years, primarily in the retail sector. My dedication is to traditional/non-industrial food systems, sustainable fisheries, international organic regulation, and the non-GMO movement. I was active in developing the Canadian contingent of .

    My current passion is to learn about organic/traditional food movements around the world, especially in East and Southeast Asia and Iran.

    If you are aware of any useful online sources to learn about organic/traditional food production, regulation, distribution, or other industry issues in Indonesia or Iran I would greatly appreciate if you could recommend them to me. If you would like any specific info on the North American movement I would be happy to forward it to you.

    Keep up the good work!

    • Hello Asa,

      Thank you for visiting my weblog. I really appreciate your hard work in organic sector. actually i am from Iran but i linving in southeast Asian country (Malaysia). I start to collecting all information about sustainable traditional activities in Iran and Southeast Asian Countries but it is going very slow because of my PhD project. I add to my reader and i will follow this informative website. I will send more information about organic activities about Iran and Southeast Asian countries via email step by step. if you wanna have some connection to Indonesian organic activist i have close friend that working in this case and you can collaborate with them. if you want i can introduce them to you. they are helpful.

      keep in touch

  42. Mahdi hi there!

    I am totally Organic, and I admire your writings on your blog, I know how much time and effort this must require…

    I have added your ‘Organic Blog’ site to our directory here at ‘The Organic Home’ – Please check your details and link are good for you, look in the ‘Blogs’ – ‘Food & Drink’ category, and if you wish us to change or edit your entry do let me know.

    If you would return a link to us here, I would be delighted, (as Google loves shared organic links ) and do let me know if you have any news, events or blog posts, and we can add these to our news pages.

    Our group of sites had over 8.5 million hits last month, so I hope that our link and future contact can bring you some extra traffic.

    Warmest Regards & Organically Yours…

    Mark Golding

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